Should you get a hair transplant surgery?

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People say that bad hair transplantation is just like diseases such as herpes. This is primarily because you are bound to keep it with you for the remaining part of your life. Have you been considering a hair transplant surgery recently? In case you are, chances are that you would want to know if a hair transplant procedure is actually suitable for you. In this regard, there are a number of tips that you can consider. And worry not, we are here to help you out with that.

So, are you a good candidate for hair transplant?

Well there is no definite answer to this question because it will depend on a wide range of factors. These factors include your degree of balding, hair loss, and some other things. In this article, we present a list of all the factors that will determine if you are a good candidate for hair transplant. These include the following:


Age is one of the most major factors that determine if you’re a good candidate for hair transplant. Usually, 25 is considered to be the median age for hair transplant. This is because surgeons usually do not prefer to perform this surgery on people who are younger than 25 and for good reasons. Primarily, this is because younger people still have not fully lost their hair. Rather, they are still in the process of losing more hair. This will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the process, as more and more hair will continue to fall off even after the procedure.

The expectations that you have

Furthermore, it is important to have very realistic expectations. This is something that all good doctors will recommend their patients to have. So, for instance if you are 24 years old and stand at the 6th point on the Norwood balding pattern, chances are that you cannot rebuild your hair in a single procedure. In case you are on the NW3, then chances are that you may see decent result after a single hair transplant surgery.

Though, a big number of men may get a lot of benefit by simply getting their hairline rebuilt. This is true for especially those who are already very far ahead on the Norwood balding scale. Though, the success of your procedure will simply depend on what your goals are and how realistic they are. For instance, some men will be totally satisfied if their hairline is built again. On the other hand, some men will not be happy with anything but a head full of hair.

Speed and severity

It is important to have your hair examined first, which will determine your rate and degree of hair loss. For instance, if there is miniaturization rather than loss, then a hair loss treatment will be recommended rather than the surgery. After your hair have stabilized, then doctors may recommend you get a hair transplant surgery.

Usually, balding which is one the 3rd NW scale can be addressed by a single surgery. On the other hand, balding which is more advanced may or may not need more than a single procedure.


Now that you have read the above-mentioned factors, you are in a better position to judge whether you are a good candidate for hair transplant or not. In this regard, it is important for you to be totally honest with yourself and decide accordingly. This will ultimately determine your extent of results, and hence, how successful your surgery is. So, once you have decided, consider getting a second opinion from good hair transplant centers before settling for the procedure. Do not forget to give value to the doctor’s advice, though.


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